Sonntag, November 08, 2009

changing Java version on Mac crashed eclipse

Checking the javac version from command line told me I was using 1.5. To change this I changed the Current and CurrentJDK. This worked fine for Java programs run from the shell.

The next restart of eclipse failed. Remembering that there should be a new version for Cocoa by now I downloaded the new 64bit eclipse version. Crashed with the same error messages.

Changed -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion in eclipse.ini to 1.6 -> crash

Added Info.plist in the line to require a specific Java version -> crash

Searching the internet for a solution I encountered the changing the link to select a Java version will bite you. This should be done with Java Preferences (Spotlight). Unfortunately the tool didn't start. Setting the links back to A changed this. With this tool you change the ordered of the preferred Java version.

With this changes eclipse started - and noticeably faster. The Activity Monitor now shows Intel (64bit). On the shell javac is now also 1.6.

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