Donnerstag, Mai 06, 2021

closing down blogger

I started to use /blogger/ at a time you hadn't access to all your data on all your devices.
So for some notes I thought is was useful to put these on the net to be able to search for them from every computer.

This worked, only partly. Many notes I've taken where to /chaotic/ even for a blog named this way and only a view I did later polish to be published.

With time the sync between the devices got simpler, USB stick sizes increased and most notes where on the phone anyway. And today all notes are in a git repo that is cloned to all my computer, phone and tablet.

This is the last post here. The posts here and all other I've written in different locations over time will be moved into a git repo. This will be public on Github/Gitlab and /converted/ to there /pages/ to be readable like a blog again.

As this data is on the waybackmachine I don't feel to bad if I delete this account/blog in the future. And the information was only for my own benefit anyway and if someone else found this useful it was unintended 😀

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