Sonntag, August 26, 2007

eclipse installation

For the update of eclipse 3.2 to 3.3, I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from the Europa Packages. Unpacked it into a different folder as 3.2 is located. This enables me to use 3.2 and 3.3 till all the packages I use work with 3.3.

Started the new eclipse and installed all the plugins I used with 3.2.
Help / Software Updates / Find and Install .... Select Search for new features to install. Include all sites into the search. First I selected only the ones I had installed with 3.2.

  • C and C++ Development

  • Database Development

  • Web Standard Tools

Now I installed the plugins I used with 3.2 but which are not part of Europa.

Not installed, because not needed at this time.

Download of eclipse exists for linux, OS X and Windows. None of the installed plugins are OS dependent.

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